3 years seems like yesterday

3 years today my mum took her last breath, my world is nothing like it was since that day… More people passed relationships failed and her home was sold… So i find myself starting from scratch… Need a new home, life, and people to care for… She was in the hospice over 4 weeks and i do visit the stone garden but its still raw to drive past the side door… I don’t know how anyone works there as they must be angels they really must x

Hello Cola,

I’m very sorry to hear that Tuesday marked three years since your mum took her last breathe. Anniversaries can be very difficult and I hope you had some support to help you through.

It’s understandable to want to start from scratch after such a significant loss and it sounds as though you experienced other losses and life changes too. I wish you all the best with your new home and life.

This is a safe and supportive space to share how you’re feeling so do keep talking to us as long as it helps.

Take care,