36 son died of cancer

Hello I lost my only son a few weeks ago from oesophagus cancer it ripped our world apart
He passed away at our home as he had 2 little kids and did not want them seeing him in pain
I cry everyday I just want my son back I had a heart attack last week
My health anxiety has come back big time I’m running down the hospital most days now with any chest pains back pains etc my life’s a mess

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I am so sorry , my partner died also of oesophagus cancer . Truly devastating . I am here if you’d like to talk x

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Thank you for your reply An82 oesophagus cancer is a Aggressive cancer unless court realy early on
I’m sorry you lost your partner

My partner started feeling slightly unwell end of July and then he just rapidly deteriorated. No warning or symptoms before hand. He passed away in October . I still can’t comprehend it , he was so fit and healthy and we’d been living a full and normal life right before. I’m heart broken for him and how scared he must have been . I’m so sorry for your loss …. Sometimes we have no words but we are here to listen xx

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Hi plumber I’m so sorry for your loss I to lost my daughter to breast and liver cancer she was 25 yrs old this is our first Xmas without her she passed away on 26 Jan 2022 my whole world was ripped apart the same as yours you will feel every emotion there is to being heartbroken to angry just take things day by day and come in here for support take care. Shellyanne x

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Totally get that I have problems eating and it is due to the stress of losing my daughter to breast/bone cancer. I relive the last day of her live again and again I am hoping this will fade and I can remember the good times the strong times. Not sure when that will come:
I was lying in my bed tis morning thinking
why cant I get up
sleep at night
i keep my house tidy
I keep up to the bills
i keep up my social life
I be available to my family
keep on top of things
stop crying everyday
Depression its a funny thing (forgive the pun)
Its just stopping me doing!!! Being
I try to force myself and you know what I need to be kinder to myself and not expect soo much???