4 months on...

My mum passed away suddenly in July as I write this it feels like a strange dream.
Today has felt like the worst day so far.
I think the forever of it all is setting in.
It’s hard to talk to friends. I have a counsellor who I was seeing monthly before my mum passed but I can’t afford to see them more so going to try through GP.
I didn’t want to reach out because then it would be real.
My thoughts are jumbled so I know this is. A lot friends did the usual I’m here if ever you need to chat but not reached out since. I feel angry sometimes about this.
I want to tell everyone and yet not speak about it.
I’ve also gone through other big changes since then…moving to a different part of the country from my best friend who I lived with, starting a new job…these alone are a lot. But they seemed relatively easy, in that nothing that happened could be worse than loosing my mum. But then I’ve felt lonely today, I just wanted a hug from my friend. Someone to make me tea.


@Natcas everything you describe sounds very normal in grief. Give yourself time to adjust to everything you’ve experienced recently. Humans always want to rush through things, but grief can’t be hurried. Eventually you’ll be able to manage the grief although it’ll always be there and sometimes it’ll feel sharp. As with everything these difficult feelings will pass but in the meantime be kind to yourself. Take care xx

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