4 weeks in 💔

4 weeks without you! This is so difficult it’s beyond hard, my grief comes in waves crashing down on me, i’m utterly lost. i’ve got my children to help me and support me yet i feel so lonely, I would give anything to have my partner back :broken_heart: nobody around me understands they just say they do.


I’m so sorry for your loss. You are very early on this journey and I would like to say it gets easier but I’m 9 weeks in now and it is still very hard. I know there’s nothing I can say to make your pain go away, but you’ve done right coming on here because we all understand, we’re all going through the same desperately sad grief journey.
Unfortunately this is the price we pay for having loved someone so much, in the end someone is going to be totally heartbroken :broken_heart:
Please try and focus on the good times and cherish your memories


@beck84 No, they don’t understand unless it’s happened to them. All kinds of people try to give advice when they should keep their mouths closed. The best people are the ones who are just there keeping you company and reminding you, silently, that you are cared for.


sending peace and love your way. I believe the hardest thing is my partner not been here at home with me and also that big question where is he? we have a daughter together and she turns 2 year old on sunday, she doesn’t understand where daddy is! he was only 42 and had so much life left but unfortunately he cancer xx

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Thankyou so much, sending love and peace your way. Nice to know other people understand me, I feel like the world should stop but it doesn’t xx

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So sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you feel as I lost my husband nearly 4 weeks ago as well and spend my days feeling lost and lonely. and crying all the time.

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I’m 7 weeks in and can’t believe how bad it is. My husband was only 52 and I’m the first of my friends to be a widow. Its true that its impossible to understand until you’re here. I feel too old to start again but too young to live like this for the rest of my life.


I’m sorry for you all. You’re all so young, I’m 71 and its hit me like a ton of bricks, like you I’m crying all the time and can’t believe he’s gone. The pain is indescribable. My home is no longer that, just an empty quiet place where he isn’t.
I dont suppose grief cares about age, but you young ones have so much life left to live.
Please all take care
Love and hugs


ever so sorry for your loss, we can all seek some comfort from here knowing everyone understands xx

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such a sad time for us all, I feel your pain. i’m also the first of my friends to be a widow and i’m not even 40 til june! life is so incredibly cruel and right now everything feel unfair xx

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i’m so sorry for your loss💔 I agree grief doesn’t care about age, it hits you so hard and makes you feel so lost and confused! i’ve felt very confused the last few days, seems my brain isn’t functioning correctly. i’m not sleeping well either! anyone else having sleeping issues?

I am so sorry to read your post. My husband died 6 weeks ago. I am 39 with 2 children. I feel so broken hearted for the life we were meant to have and for my children who never had enough time with their daddy. It definitely comes in waves. Sending you lots of love x

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Hi Cab, I lost my Ann 4 weeks ago and can’t stop thinking about her. We are both 53 and I have asked the same question about starting again. I know its so soon after losing the love of my life to think of ever being with anyone else and Ann was the Love of my life but I am terrified of living the rest of my life alone