4 weeks today.. how can that be?

Today is 4 weeks that I lost my man… I hate that the time is moving on and that the last time I saw him was 4 weeks ago… I don’t want a distant memory. Last week was the funeral and since then I’ve been struggling so much :sob::sob:

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I am so sorry.

My husband died 10 weeks ago.

It was sudden and unexpected.

I totally get it about time moving on and you don’t want It to.
10 weeks now seems so, so long.

I also recognise your feelings after the funeral.

I wish I knew the secret to feeling better for both me and you.

Sending you big hugs.

Rose x

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Oh @Kajoa I’m so sorry for you’re loss. And so recent. I how you feel but I’m further down the line, 11 weeks now. Its pure hell but we will get through this. We’re here to support each other and it does help, to know you’re not alone

Big hugs to you

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Its nearly four months for me. Married 53 years and known each other since 15 at school. We’d never been away from each other for more than a couple of days. Im so worried ill forget alot of our times together. I miss him so so much i wish i could be with him but i cant and thats so sad :disappointed:


I’m so sorry . You won’t forget your time together. And maybe you’ll even remember things you’d thought you’d forgotten
As much as we want to be with them we know it can’t be, and its so very sad.
But somehow we’ll get through this, for them and for ourselves

Big hugs


That’s like me… I don’t want to forget anything… I still want to feel him about me if that makes sense.
I’m sure you will never forget him… we have to think of the wonderful memories they left for us.