5 months in

Does this ever get easier? Still no post mortem results, still an open inquest in Belgium. Can’t get closure. I feel it gets worse everyday. Really struggling emotionally at the mo


Hello @Sah28,

I’m sorry you’re still in limbo. I’m just giving your thread a gentle bump - hopefully someone will be along to offer their support.

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My goodness. That is awful. Don’t suppose the embassy can help? I am 5 months in and next to you the admin has gone smoothly. I doubt it will get easier until the post Mortimer is complete and you can get on with just grieving and of course all the admin. At 5 months I am finding I don’t cry every day and can see a way forward. Thinking if you. Sandra


Oh @Sah28 i feel for you. That is a nightmare situation. I hope someone can help you this is not right at all . No one should cause you this suffering. My virtual hugs to you from Julia


I sent emails off yesterday to the coroner and belgiums public prosecutor but all I got was these things take time, Belgium are useless as well as the embassy, 3 different scenarios on the cause of death from them none true. I live in hope


I hope you get the answers you need soon. I am 12 weeks in and life gives me good and bad days. I’ve even booked a holiday [when I had a good day) for May 2024. Baby steps each day.

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@Sah28 that is so terrible isn’t there someone here that can push your case

Don’t suppose your MP could help

To get him, his belongings and money back I reached out to everyone possible for help, some phoned some emailed but he took over 3 weeks, he’s belongings 6 weeks and money just short of 8 weeks. And our is waiting on pathology, he was embalmed in Belgium without a post mortem and there’s no obvious cause of death :frowning:

How horrendous. I would be more of a quivering wreck than I am. As someone else I am in contact says Be Strong. Xx love and hugs. Sandra

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If I told the story from beginning to end it would take hours, it all made me angry which drove me on and I had to stay upright for my kids. But sometimes o don’t know how x

I asked Belgium for his phone, keys, beret, wallet and to bin his bike helmet and everything else clothing wise, but I had to have all or nothing they even sent his underwear he was wearing and the jacket the cut off him xx

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