6 months

This is my first message on here, although I read loads of your messages and responses which makes me realise I’m not alone.
Today is 6 months since my beloved, my rock and my soulmate left us all. I visited the Hospice today because I feel close to him there. I can’t see him here at home and I can’t feel him here either and I never expected that. I talk to him all the time but nothing, I get nothing. It feels like it’s getting worse not better. I make myself go out and do things because he made me promise I would. He made me promise I wouldn’t give up on life, but right now, I just don’t know. I never really understood why we call them 'the other half ’ until he wasn’t here any longer. I’m sick of feeling like every day is a battle and I just miss him so much my heart literally hurts.


So very sorry for yr loss.
I lost my partner 6 months ago too.
We didn’t live together but I still miss him constantly and the fact that he isn’t just around the corner is unsettling still.
Hoping like all our friends on here, that things will get better with time.
Sending love x


I can completely relate to all you say on here. It’s just 4 months for me but it is so painful and seems to just get harder with each day that passes.
I pray it will get better but at times I’m not sure I believe it ever will.
Look after yourself, be kind to yourself also, and just keep trying to take a day at a time.
Keep posting in here if it helps. It can be a useful place to get everything out and there’s lots of support around.


Thank you. Just feeling like I’ve got no one to talk to at the moment because everyone is grieving him


Oh @Bowler60

I’m coming up to 5 months now and it’s not getting any easier

I too promised I’d be ok but I’m not

I am coping I suppose, I get up and do things every day. I go out most days and I keep in touch with friends and family

But I still feel broken and I think I always will
I cry every day. I’m accepting tears as a part of my life, but I am getting better at keeping them to myself. I have a couple of trusted friends that really don’t mind, but for all the others I try to pretend I’m ok.

The promise is all that keeps me going and hopefully one day I will be ok. But for now I just do my best

Sending big hugs
Liz x x


That can be hard. I have my kids about so can talk with them about their dad, which we do a lot, but I can’t share my grief with them. It would be too much for them to cope think on top of their own grief.
My family don’t want to talk about it at all and his family are all struggling also. I have a few friends who are able to listen but it’s such a burden for them I often also feel like there’s no one I can be really honest with.
Probably why I offload on this site so much. Maybe not the best way but it’s better than trying to hold it all in.
Keep posting here - everyone gets it and that in itself is a huge comfort. Xx