Its been seven months since Dad died unexpectedly, and I just feel lost. It sometimes doesn’t even feel real,other times it feels too real.
I feel so alone, he was my best friend, the only person who could talk me out of my own head. How do you go on when the person you went to when you needed help is the reason you need help?
Its unfair, that my young daughter has to grow up without her Grandad. She idolised him. It hurts seeing Grandparents 30+ years older than my Dad was getting to see their grandkids grow up.
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I’m so sorry about the death of your dad, it takes a long time to get over the death of a parent, in fact I’m not sure that you ever do, in time you learn to live with it, like you I got really angry when I saw people out as a family including grandparents that were a lot older than mine would have been, enjoying themselves, my Mum died relatively young and even now I wish she was here to see how her grandchildren had turned out, it’s something we have to learn to live with, but it’s not easy, sending love Jude xx
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Hello there, I am so sorry you have lost your Dad - this is hard, really hard, especially as he was your best friend, too. It is good you have joined this forum - we are all here for each other and understand how grief is all consuming. It is all just rubbish, I know. I hope you find reasons to smile today. I find it helps to talk to my late husband - I tell him everything that is going on. There is never a reply - but it keeps him in mind and close by. Take care.