7 months with out my husband

My husband pass away at the age of 36 in February. myself and our 3 children have accepted that he is not coming back , but I am still finding it hard at night time , I not the one to open up to people and tell them how I feel at the minute I don’t know how I am feeling, the kids are keeping me going at the moment. I have up and down days at the moment I have had a bad week don’t really hear from my husband side anymore I think that is getting me down abit . I don’t no what to do about it .


You and your children are the most important factor at present. Do what is right for you. Nothing else figures x


I lost my husband 16 months ago and have heard from his side of the family twice. I was hurt at first but I have a sister and brother who have really supported me. Some friends have been a disappointment and when the chips are down you can count who matters and who has stepped up on one hand. Life feels so hard. I still cry most days. I don’t really know how to move forward. I take each day hour by hour and tomorrow is another day. That’s all I can cope with at the present time. The moment I am in and sometimes even that is just too hard. I wish I could be more positive. I have ready that our lives will grow around our grief and we will learn to carry it. I go on e that I start to feel better in time x


Sorry for your loss x my mum and dad and my brothers and sister have supported me too don’t no what I would of done without them. I’m the same don’t know how move forward just got to take it day by day xx

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