7 years on

Hi everyone
I was widowed at 54. My husband was diagnosed with cancer and was dead within 3 weeks aged just 60. 7 years on it doesn’t seem to get better in fact I miss him more than ever. I would just like to be able to meet and chat to people who feel the same as myself. Sending you all best wishes


Hi @Beverley62
Sorry to hear that you are feeling :disappointed: after being widowed for 7 years. It has brought me to realise that no matter how much time has passed we still find it hard to live the new lives we have now found ourselves in.
For me it us only 5 + months and i think i feel bettet then realise i am just getting through the days and nights and repeating over and over again.
Surviving each day is what most of us as doing . Totay found some photos of us on holiday in May he died in June and the tears started flowing once more.
Each day is just another day i guess none of us knows whats ahead anymore.
Take care
Lynne x


Hi Galaxy 75
Dear Lynne so sorry to hear of your loss. Sending you lots of hugs. Yes each day is different but we have happy memories and photos of our loved one. I’m sure he’d be proud of you.
You take care Lynne
Bev x

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Dear Nori
So sorry to hear that. Sending you big hugs.
Take care
Bev x

Hi Beverley, feel for your loss, and your missing him. I get it and it seems the same for me… Not getting better… what is better though ? Is better mean we would forget them and laugh, eat with others … as if we have never had this deep loss ?

Hi Beverly, my June passed just over 3 years ago and I still find it difficult to accept she’s really gone. I try and stay busy so I don’t have to think about my situation, but then I feel guilty that I’ve concentrated on something else for a whil I realise that what I’m doing is avoiding my situation, but that’s how I get through the day. I feel guilty meeting new people, knowing June will never meet them, and seeing people of my age walking holding hands, or just being’comfortable’ with each other still makes me well-up.
Take care


@dave170520 I totally get your point that upon seeing other people at your age, your tears well up. This is the same for me, so I hide a lot now, so I do not have to be reminded how it was robbed from us, my beloved husband and I. And then, I must also remember perhaps this is God’s will, yet… I just do not feel I can keep going on… two and half years now. hmmm… a wreck : (

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@Beverley62 Very sorry… about your pain…big hug to you and may God’s grace be with you. I am approaching 3 years, and feel the same, nothing really has changed. I miss my beloved husband even more … I read that sudden death takes a lot longer to recover, some seem to think that we remain in the shock period much longer. Not sure if it is true… Please keep taking care of yourself,…I believe their spirits are still with us, loving us…only we cannot see them.


@Beverley62 it can’t get easier I suppose when you were such a tight fit . I was like glue to him . It helps to talk to people on here my love

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I know exactly where you’re coming from Dave I throw myself into work. I find this a way of avoiding situations so as not to feel for living my life. Take care.

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