8yrs later why is it still so hard

My mum died 8 years ago in may but my grief is still as it was if not worse time hasn’t healed does anyone help maybe this could be a start… I cry every day at some point at night I cry into my pillow not to wake kids there is a constant ache in my chest we was together all the time and really was my best friend I feel lost.


I lost my great nan 9 years ago, she was my best friend. I miss her so much and my heart aches daily for her. It’s gotten worse the past year since I moved away from where I held memories with her. Some people just don’t understand and can’t see why it’s still an issue. You are not alone at all, if you need to talk im here x

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Someone who understands thank you for your reply
I only have my dad now I have three children but I mean in sense who is parental to me who looks and cares for me and all I worry is when his day comes and my upset just gets worse people say go cemetery or have a day doing something none of this helps x

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I completely understand. My mum hasn’t been the same since we lost my nan, she spiralled and I felt like I had to hold it together for my siblings. Now my partner has had to deal with the consequences of me not dealing with my grief. Being open and honest has been a weight off my shoulders. It has really helped. I’m not better by any means but I feel somewhat lighter. I feel the same about the cemetery, nothing helps when you miss them so deeply. But i ask myself daily “would my nan want me crying constantly or would that upset her” some days it helps me get through and others not so much… but it has been a start x