9 months since mum passed

I wrote this poem to help me get through tomorrow which will be 9 months since my mum passed away.

          The walk

The clocks have gone back

The days are getting shorter

It’s been too long since we talked

I visit when I can

The night draws in

There’s not much time to say

There’s not much time to stay

No answers to my questions

Just silence everyday


Hello Star heart,

Your poem was lovely and from the heart, I don’t have that ability but I do share your pain. My lovely Mum died 9 months tomorrow and at the moment the grief is worse. I do hope you are ok. Magg1

Thank you Magg1.Im sorry for the loss of your mum.My grief isn’t great at the moment.Still feels like yesterday she passed.I feel like i lost my mum twice because she wasnt the mum i knew after she had a stroke.hope you are ok.

Good morning Star Heart,
I am sorry to hear your mum was unwell before she died, this is difficult my dad had a neurological illness
so I know what you mean.
I was thinking of a conversation my Mum and I had a few years back where she spoke of her Mum and how difficult it was when she died. Mum still carried feelings of guilt which were unfounded as she was so good to my Gran. She spoke about the first year being very difficult and would you believe told me not to be upset, I said I could not imagine and yet here we are.
I don’t know how but I guess it must get better for us, but like you my grief is pretty raw just now.
Think of what your Mum would say and hold her close.
I am thinking of you today take care Magg1

Good morning . Your poem is beautiful , thank you for sharing it . Its 5 months since mum passed away after suffering a stroke , sometimes it feels like it only happened last week . Thinking of you today , take care of yourself.
Love Angie x

Thank you.Im sorry for the loss of your mum.I know how hard it is.Take care x

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