A beautiful song for all of us

Deb it’s your challenge for the night haha

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This came up on my facebook other day as the singer passed away a week or so ago … i remember it as it was a big hit … its so appropriate for how i feel at moment x

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Thank god you did it, thank you LynT lol

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Yeh was just about to say that ! Thanks !!! Easier than i thought …

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A more uplifting song…

This is a lovely song for all of us (one of my favourites of me and him)

Yeh my husband lloved this song ;( im missing him today :frowning:

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The loneliness is so debilitating isn’t it? I have struggled and gone backwards since Xmas for some reason. That hit me hard how alone I feel. The evenings are awful, TV is rubbish and I have binge watched everything decent on Netflix but even that isn’t helping. I have friends, I go out but none of it makes me feel any better. I think we will eventually come to terms with living alone as we have no other choice. I’m hoping the summer months will lift me up a bit but even then it’s another change looming as we think of past holidays with them. I have a holiday booked but again I have no idea how that will feel… I need to find some joy in life but no idea where to look for it

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No its hard … and i dont want to live by myself rest of my life … that’s the problem. Thats what makes me sad … i know you dont want to find anybody else but i do … that’s just what i feel will make me happier … but easier said than done … i feel so envious of couples now … kills me im not a couple anymore :frowning: i.miss it … its crap just being by yourself !

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I wouldn’t totally dismiss the idea of meeting someone further down the line but just can’t imagine it happening but that just tells me I’m not ready. Who knows what’s on the horizon, none of us know? Life as we know can change in an instant, it’s totally unpredictable. Also I don’t want to rely on someone for my happiness, I firstly have to find that within myself…I would hate to end up in a rebound situation

Yeh i know but when youre ready you wont feel like that will you … as you say we dunno what is gonna happen but that’s what i find hard … when youre married everything is fairly secure … i liked that part ! Now its like - what the hell - you no idea what’s gonna happen in your life … i hate that lack of security ;( and if meet someone it will be because i like them … not to provide my happiness … anyway dont worry about it :slight_smile: just sad today …

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I’m just living in the present, I don’t think about the future now. We just have to ride out the sad days. I’m going to watch Kate Garraway programme now. She’s one strong woman

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Yeh me too :slight_smile:


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