A big void in my life

I lost my husband in August. We were married for almost 9 years. He had cancer and I looked after him although a long painful illness. Like others it feels like I have lost more than my husband. I have lost my friend and in some ways my identity as Mrs. Whilst usually a confident person that also has come under attack. I have a great family and friends but they are no substitute.I hope the feelings of emptiness go in time. I keep busy but in some ways that masks the issues. How have others coped? Happy to hear from you.

Firstly my condolences to you.
It is never easy losing a loved one.
There will be no one that can take his place.
People are unique in their own way.
Cancer is a terrible thing to have.
We think that we have prepared our selves for the end, but when it does come we feel like we have been robbed.
I am glad that you have joined the site of others people who are hurting in the same way, but it is always different for each person.
How we cope and how we manage after our loss. I hope that you find the comfort and support you need in sharing your feelings and how you are coping.
Grief affects us all differently and how we get through it is in our own way.
Time does heal us eventually.
Take one day at a time. And the hurt does lessen with time.
I wish you all the best in this sad time.