A cure for loneliness

I’m now thinking I need a partner for the future. I had a few looks from a girl in Tescos. But been suffering from back pain and this girl was another woman with a child. I feel I need more support and someone in my life and want; t to be natural. Finished with the internet regards that.


Hi @Keith68

That’s good that you want to meet someone. If you put it out in to the universe that your open to a new connection it will come but you need to get yourself out and about, no one’s going to come knocking at your door :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The best of luck to you x

problem at the moment is struggling with my back a little at the moment.

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Hi @Keith68

How are you struggling? Does it stop you doing things? X

Things have slowed down for me, then I’m still missing mum and finding hard for me regards cost of living.


Aww it’s awful isn’t it. You’ll always miss your mum. You just need to find away to carry on as hard as that may be :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

How old are you? Do you work for yourself? X

Does it get better the question asks?
Not a simple answer in my case.
19 months later and a widow.
Not crying every day
But feeling low mood and anxious but not as jumpy as I was. No less lonely than at first. Cat is still here. I am more used to it now. Motivation is not higher but different.
Was motivated strong to do gardening at first as only thing that helped but not so much now. Have I carved out a new life yet? No. Have I met anyone else? no. Have I learnt to cope with more things ? Slightly. What has changed? Go to things on my own and trying to develop a thicker skin. If it isn’t great well take my kit and read a book, knit, look on phone, say gave to stick it a bit to see. Give it a chance.