A love everlasting

Our lives have been torn apart and our hearts broken our future dreams ripped away from us our lost loves taken from us way to soon but the love we shared is everlasting and they are always in our hearts and our thoughts we will love them all our lifes and one day we will be reunited with them. So until then my beautiful darling pauline wait for me and I will spend whatever time I have left waiting to be reunited with you. I love you with all my heart and soul you are all I want and need I carry you and your love with me and that my babe is what gives me the strength to keep going be at peace my angel my beautiful soulmate


You’ve written exactly what I am feeling. X

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I pray every night asking that my husband be waiting for me. That is now all I can ask.

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@Mol @Sheila26 hello ladies its what we are all feeling so lost and empty and lonely without our loved ones. But I’m sure they are waiting for us and watching over us. Love like we shared never ends it lives within us take care sending hugs x