A Message From Heaven (Devonguy Poem)

Perhaps you aren’t ready yet to have to say goodbye
Perhaps you thought of things you wish you’d said, well so have I.
For one thing, I’d have told you not to worry about me
I’m with the Lord in Heaven now, you knew that’s where I’d be.
I’m sorry that you’re feeling sad, for I’m so happy now
I’ve asked the Lord to ease the hurt and comfort you somehow.
It’s hard at the beginning, but I know you’ll make it through
I hope it helps to know that I’ll be waiting here for you.


Hi @Alone1,

This is really lovely - thank you for sharing it with us :blue_heart:**

Take good care,

Sue Ryder Online Community team

That is the most wonderful, comforting poem I’ve read.
Thankyou so much for sharing this. I will keep it and treasure it, to remind me in my darkest days that Roger will be waiting for me

I love this
What a lovely poem
It’s comforting to know my Mum is with the lord and her family and waiting for me when it’s my time to go
Thankyou for sharing x

Your poem is just beautiful :kissing_heart:. I try to keep that thought that my brothers in heaven. Hes not in pain anymore. He knew he was going to die and he did his best to comfort me.
Thank you

Thanks for sharing

I loved your poem and though I’m not religious I am an atheist but it gave some comfort in a weird way. It felt good kind of
For a long time I’ve needed comfort to help me deal with the grief of losing my mum.