a poem for my tracey

im quite a closed off person naturally but since her sudden passing in september i find i think so actively about my late wife tracey. in a quiet time at work last week i came up with this and i just thought id share it . im not sure if she would be proud of it or call me a berk x

My friend.my love my darling wife
To have and hold for all my life ,
The vows we made till death we part
Our bond unbreakable.we shared one heart.
To hold and feel your warm embrace
I ache to see your beaming face.
A smile i saw from miles away
It never failed to brighten my day.
You loved so fully.so whole.so true
My days are spent longing for you.
A lifetime shared now incomplete
Loneliness calls until we meet.
To spend eternity side by side
My friend.my love .my darling bride


Beautiful x

She would be proud. It’s beautiful x

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