A positive step

After thinking about it for a while I finally went along to a walking group this morning. I did feel anxious about going but I knew I had to push myself through it and go. I do have good friends and family but they are busy with their own lives and I have come to conclusion that i have to try and get out and do things like this or the alternative is spending too much time on my own.
I’m so pleased I went, it’s not a big group but they were very friendly and they are talking about doing things for peoples birthdays and Christmas so the social side could be good as well as getting exercise.
The only bad thing was the embarrassment of not being able to get over a stile because of my dodgy knees and needing help resulting in 2 big bruises on my shin despite being the youngest in the group !!!


Dear @Barbara61

Love this post. Well done. You did it. You made the biggest step. Not easy. It will be onwards and upwards now for you.

Keep us updated.

Take care.



Well done Barbara, I can sympathize with you with the dodgy knees, but I hope you keep going. The social side sounds good.
Last week I was on holiday in Cornwall with my daughter and family, I was determined my arthritic knees wouldn’t stop me. I haven’t done so much walking on uneven ground but with ibuprofen I kept going. Paying for it a bit this week, but wouldn’t have missed it.
Debbie X


Hi Pepsi
It did feel like a big step. It’s so hard starting to get out there but it gives you a boost when you manage to do something like this


Thanks Debbie. Like you I try not to let my knees stop me. Xx

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Hi Barbara
So pleased you made that move and went walking. I am a keen walker and find it very therapeutic. Keep it up and the stiles will become no problem and you will surprise yourself in no time.

Oh Barbara so glad you took this big step (no pun intended). Despite your bruised knees and ego :blush:what a way to enjoy the outdoors and mix with people outside of your own family and friends. When I decided to volunteer because like you I had too much time on my hands. I admit it was daunting but now the group I work with really lift me and we laugh and joke most of the day. It’s only a couple of hours twice a week but what a lifeline it’s been for me.

Keep going if you can it’s so good for your mental well being as well.

Much love


Hi Pattidot
I like walking and try to go for a 30 - 45 minute walk every day but it’s much better walking with other people than on your own. You can go walking in places where you wouldn’t go on your own. The group this morning walks for an hour and a half.

Hi Georgina
It feels like a big step. I will try and go every week if I can. It’s good to get out and talk to people.

Hi there
I have been a member of the Ramblers for some years and know the benefits of walking with good company. I am also happy to walk alone with my dogs. I am pleased you do your walks it really does help us.
On my daily walks I meet so many other dog walkers that I am never short of a chat or three!!! Happy walking to you and well done for making the effort…

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Well done I try and go for a walk every day too but not sure about a walking group yet
I go to Tai chi every other week and volunteer at the local musuem at weekends
I 've found a localWidows and Widowers support group and have recently joined it,So like you Barbara I too am taking baby steps in what is this new normal .


It’s the only way to do it isn’t it little baby steps. How have you found the bereavement group you have recently joined ? I’ve been making enquiries about one that meets once a month so thinking about doing that xx


My daughter found a breavement group for me, at a local church. It’s more a social group so going to give it a go. X X


Good luck hope it goes well. Let us know how you get on xx

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I found it on the internet through a site called Meet up. They have a large group that covers Anglesey &Gwynedd and a sub group that is local to where I live and meets once a month for lunch also has a what app group which is good. Will go for lunch with them on the 25th .


Good for you Barbara. I hope it is the beginning of a new and fulfilling friendship group for you. Walking is a great way not only to keep fit but also ease your mind. Making the first move is always the hardest. You will probably find places locally you didn’t know were there! I know I did with my little walking group. Wishing you all the best and take care of your shins :grin:

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I went this week as well and really enjoyed it. Walking places locally that I haven’t been before and where I couldn’t go on my own. You are right making the move to do it is the hardest part x


Well done Barbara xx


Bravo :clap: Barbara !
So pleased for you and that you are enjoying your walking. Keep going lady you’ve got this :muscle:
Georgina :+1:

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Thank you. Went again this morning and really enjoyed it. Making the move to do it is hard but I would recommend trying to get out to meet people. It does really help x