A Strange Experience

I don’t know what to make of this but I think my wife may have visited me last night.

I was asleep but I was woken up by a tight feeling around my body, like I was being squeezed. I could feel an arm and a hand around my waist and when I touched the hand I recognised it as that of my wife. I also felt pressure in my back like I was being given a strong cuddle from behind.

I’m pretty certain I wasn’t dreaming as I was awake and looking around the bedroom. After about a minute or so, the grip lessened and slipped away. I heard the bed creak slightly although I hadn’t moved.

I am not a spiritual person nor do I have any strong beliefs in an afterlife. I don’t imagine things either. I have always believed in a rational explanation for experiences like this but this has left me shaken and at the same time comforted by the possibility that it was Lillian coming back to me.

I am telling myself that this was my imagination or that I must have been dreaming but I was wide awake and the feeling of being squeezed was very real.

I have never experienced anything like it.


When my son died a week or two later I went to see my sister. When I left there to walk home I was dreading getting back to an empty house I cried all the way home. When I got back and went in a feeling of warm energy wrapped around me it was the strangest sensation and I could feel it inside me too. I just know it was my son.


… believe it mate…:raised_hands:


That must have been so comforting to feel the presence of your son, Ali76. To know he was there for you and wanted to show that he was there must have given you great solace. Love never dies and I believe that warm energy was the love for you from your son.

Before last night I honestly didn’t know what to believe. People often said Lillian hasn’t left you, she will always be by your side. I didn’t really believe it. How could she be? She died, she no longer exists.

Last night has had a profound effect on me. Lillian always said if she died first she would come back and let me know she was still here. I believe she has done that.

I just hope she knows how much I still love her and that I miss her terribly every minute of every day.


Thank you, UnityMan. I do believe it now.

I have thought about what happened last night and in the cold light of day I still believe that was Lillian. She always said she would come back to me and I believe that was her way of doing it.

I never thought it was possible but it was so real it has had a seismic shift on how I see the world and beyond.


I’m not a particularly spiritual or religious person. However, I think somethings are very difficult to explain and should be accepted on how it felt, if it was real to you.
I hope it is a tremendous comfort to you and a beautiful showing of love you had for each other.
I have had a warm engulfing feeling once when I was well frankly hysterical a few weeks after my husband died, it ‘felt’ like he was there .

I had a dream about a month ago which felt tremendously real, my husband was reassuring me I would be fine and hugged me, said he’d always be with me. Although I was sad after the dream it was hugely comforting and I think of it often, fondly .
I’ve had nothing since, perhaps he was ready to move on but typical for him wanted to support me and one last hug :blush:.
Much love to you. Xx


It was a massive comfort. I’m glad you’ve experienced it too x


Embrace it, I wish I had that! it’s tough on your own. I done a few spiritual things on FB. I wish I had my mum’s presence to comfort me right now, I snatch your hand off for that.


Dave, it is real. It was not your imagination. Our loved ones do visit us, they do hang around for a while. The hug was likely a final good-bye. Your wife wanted to comfort you before she moved on. She let you know she is okay and that she loves you still.

Enjoy knowing that your wife came to comfort you. It is proof that this life is not all there is. Also know that she will be there guiding you home when it is your turn.

Much love and welcome to the Believers Club.


Hello, when my husband died for a few weeks odd things happened in the house, the TV in the dining room that my husband used to watch F1 on would turn itself on in the early hours, I as sitting quietly in the living room and the main TV switched itself on & the most amazing one was when I came into the house, opened the living room door and the end of the curtain pole wizzed past me landing at the front door.

That was the last odd happening, I believe they were my husband letting me know he was ok, he knew how devastated I would be & I feel sought to comfort me.

When my mother in law died my husband was laying awake during the might and saw an “Orb” in the hall way, it hovered for a while then disappeared, my husband was very close to his mum so we thought it was her checking in.

I feel that our loved ones after death spend some time still on earth before they move onto the next place, maybe that’s when there loved ones collect them.

I have had people tell me that there are “explanations” etc… but I just say you may be right but you may also be wrong….


Thank you PeachesDixon.

I was talking to my mother about it this morning and I said I thought it might be a final goodbye.

I never believed in anything like this. I have always looked for a logical explanation for everything but this has stunned me.

I am at a loss to explain it. I have thought about it all day and as a complete sceptic I have to concede that you’re absolutely right that this life is not all there is.

Much love to you too, PeachesDixon and thank you for the welcome to the Believer’s Club. xx


When my mum died I had many strange experiences. Radios turning on, or volume going up and down. One particular bad time in my life I was driving and extremely distressed, and the analogue clock on the dash started going backwards. It made me feel she was looking over me and things would turn out ok. I really hoped to have that after David died but no. Two of my grandchildren’s toys in different houses apparently started up on their own. The only strange thing to happen to me was I had a migraine tablet in a plastic box in my handbag. I needed to take it so took the pot out of my bag and heard the tablet rattling inside. Took the pot in the kitchen to get a drink of water. I then noticed the unopened pot was empty. Never found that tablet. If it was David he was being his usual annoying self. I would have preferred a hug.


Thank you Swantaff.

It was a great comfort to me, once I got over the shock. I have always thought that there is a scientific explanation for everything.

I know the mind can play weird tricks on people and that the human brain can work in mysterious ways but this has really made me think.

I’m glad you had a similar experience and that you were able to feel your husband’s presence. It is a great comfort to think our loved ones are there for us.

Sending much love to you too, Swantaff. xx

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Dave, scientific proof is simple. Nothing comes from nothing. Something had to happen to turn nothing into something. A movement A movement supernatural to nothingness. The primary movement. Or, as philosophers call this - The Prime Mover. The Prime Mover created motion and all creations require first a thought. Therefore The Prime Mover is both supernatural and intelligent. For me, The Prime Mover is God, the creator of all that is seen and unseen, the alpha and the omega.

So, once you have an intelligent, supernatural being who created everything by thought, it is pretty easy to accept that he could also impregnate a young girl 2,000 years ago to send us all the Word. The promise of eternal life.

JMHO and totally off subject. Maybe it will stir your thoughts.

Much love.


Thanks PeachesDixon. That has given me a lot to think about.

I am now starting to believe that Lillian is out there, somewhere. I don’t know yet what form she has taken but it was definitely Lillian who came to me the other night and it most definitely happened. I never believed that would ever be possible. I was always too “sensible”.

I was really sceptical about the spiritual world and I didn’t believe a word of it. I am not prone to imagining things either. My beliefs were based on hard, cold facts and physically being able to see and touch things in the real world.

But that’s the thing. I most definitely felt Lillian as a physical presence when she came to me. I felt her moving, her hands were cold, she was pressing into my back and she was squeezing me. She came from a spiritual existence into a physical world and that has now set a pathway for my hardened beliefs in physical reality to move into something beyond that.

I have a long, long way to go before I can rationalise all of this and I am so grateful to you for your thoughts and guidance on how I can achieve that.

Sending you lots of love,


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Hello Flower_Garden,

I am so sorry for the loss of your husband and I am extremely grateful to you for sharing your experiences after he died.

In the past, I would always be looking for logical explanations for odd things happening. I believe most things can be explained but what happened to me the other night has shaken my beliefs to the core.

I understand that the human brain can play some weird and cruel tricks on us but I have gone over it again and again and come to the conclusion that this was not my brain imagining things. The feeling was too physical and real. I was wide awake and able to talk clearly to Lillian, not just mumble in my sleep. She was there.

From your experiences and from what happened to me I now believe there is a lot more to our existence than just our time on earth. I never thought I would ever think that but I can’t come up with any other explanation.

Lillian coming back to me for one last cuddle has given me great comfort. I see it as her way of letting me know she is okay and that she still loves me. She always said if she died first she would give me a sign that she was alright and was still around. She has kept her promise and done that.

I love her so, so much and will do for all eternity.


Hi Debsie1,

Yes, this phenomenon of interference with electrical devices does seem to be a way that our loved ones use to let us know that they are still here but I have not experienced any of that so far.

The only thing I did find odd was when I cleared some things out of the house. I put them in a bin bag but when I came down in the morning some of them were scattered on the floor like someone had been looking through them. I put that down to me being careless about putting them in the bin bag in the first place but I’m always careful when I’m doing things like that.

The missing tablet in the pot is hard to explain. There are a lot of strange things in this world and the older I become, the less I understand it.

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Dave4, i believe it waz the comfort from your wife. When my husband passed in July, i came back from hospital and i was dreading being alone in a empty house.
I heard his voice the following morning just before i woje up asking me"are you Ok :+1:, i want you to be ok" i heard myself answering “i will be ok” i said it loud and it made me jump and wake up. I believed our loved look down upon us and they still care.


Hi SasaE,

I am so sorry about your husband. The loneliness and being alone in an empty house is horrendous.

I am so glad your husband came to you. You know that he is still there for you and still loves you and he will know that you still love him.

Thank you for being so kind. Take care. x


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