A year ago today was our final Goodbye Dad

14th June was a year since Dad passed, and today (5th July) is a whole year since we held his funeral to say our last goodbyes :broken_heart::sob: I still can’t believe he’s gone and never coming back. I can’t believe I’ve made it this far in all honesty. Nobody can prepare us for the loss of a parent (or the loss of anybody) but, as we look back over the year, we realise we managed to hold on somehow as best we could. I know you’re with me Dad, perhaps having you beside me and sending me signs has kept me going. Please keep being here, showing me them. I love you forever and always, to the moon and back Daddy Cool xxx

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Hi @steffi88am21, thank you for sharing with us - thinking of you and your dad today.


Thankyou, it was surprisingly a calming day

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