A year on still do not know what to do

I lost my wife 14 month’s ago I couldn’t visit her due to the pandemic 5 weeks after she was admitted to hospital she passed they diagnosed liver cancer she was so fit it came out of the blue i miss her so much some times I have bad thoughts but i came out of the tunnel and got myself a puppy :dog: it gets me out and gives me a reason to live but it’s so hard


I think I know how you feel. I lost my husband in November 2020 after 7 weeks in hospital after an accident - so unexpected and devastating. I have considered getting a dog. They says it’s a way of meeting people but I haven’t decided yet. I am trying to rehabilitate myself as no one wants to be friends with a misery. I so need contact with others.
Love to all. T x

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Hi Rodus I lost my husband Paul he was taken into hospital 28th dec and passed away 16th January 21 from covid like you it was a massive shock and feels at times impossible to come to terms with I really didn’t want to continue without him and at times still feel like that but I know Paul would be furious with me for thinking like that we have to find strength we had brought a puppy the previous dec she was more Paul’s dog so when he passed she missed him so much I don’t know how I would have got through the last 9 months without her she’s a reason to get up in the morning she has to be walked and it’s someone to talk to I hope your new puppy brings you some happiness and love x


Hi bobmajor getting a dog would be brilliant for you everybody wants to talk with you when out walking it really helps with the loneliness there love is so amazing x

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Eugene, you do nothing! You feel your pain, you live a day at a time
Take care Sadie


Dear Barb11
I also agreed for my husband to go to the Hospice for his last 3 days. I was told hat he couldn’t receive the necessary medical care at home, where I would have preferred to have looked after him. I must accept that he was really too ill to live and he was put on an exit path. I wasn’t to blame at this stage. I did my best for him. He would have preferred to come home but he was too ill for me to manage him. Let’s a forgive ourselves.


I’m working on it. Thanks :heart:

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