
I just lost my son Aaron on the 11th August 2018 words cannot explain how I feel I don’t see how to begin to get over this the funeral is Tuesday

Hello dididicer,

I am so sorry to hear that you lost your son so recently. Many people here will say that there isn’t really any getting over such a significant loss, but instead you begin to live in what is often called the new normal. Don’t rush or pressure yourself to be okay, give yourself time to grieve Aaron.

Thinking of you today - it’s not going to be easy, but we’re here to support you in any way we can.

Take care of yourself,

Hi Eleanor

Today was so very hard nothing compared to the day of the accident.
I could of never believed Aaron had such a profound effect on so many people it really helped.
Also I thank you and others on this board for all your efforts as dealing with Aaron’s death is the most tragic thing I ever hope to deal with .
Lastly any one who ever reads this please enjoy ever second with your children no matter what they do as you never know when’s it’s yours or there last xx

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So sorry to read what has happened. Big hugs to you. I lost my brother in April but cannot imagine what it must be like losing a child. My thoughts are with you. Janine.

Dear Dididicer,
I’m glad you felt uplifted by your son’s funeral … my beloved daughter died 6 months ago and life is a struggle.
I feel as though I live my life with an undercurrent of sadness at the moment and think this will never change.
You have been so brave. I find this site so helpful as everyone is very thoughtful and caring.
Take care xxx

hi nini41
I hope you never have to find out as the pain is indescribable

hi Victoria

I just cannot seem to get past this upset and sorrow I know its only 4 weeks ago but the hole that’s left is so black and overwhelming

Dear Dididicer,
The hardest thing is that nothing takes our pain away but I have found that 6 months down the line I am learning slowly to live with the pain and the grief.
I hope this gives you some comfort and hope.
Thinking of you tonight xxx

Hi, how are you coping these days? Just letting you know I’m thinking of you. I know the pain is horrendous. I miss my son so much.

I just don’t know what to say this post is heartbreaking… I send u all the love and courage in the world…xxx

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Hi Im finding it so much like a roller coaster my emotions are all over the place just a song can bring me to my knees and overwhelm me why has my beautiful son been taken from me just as he found true love just as he started to live his life and understand it why

thank you michelleb I feel not so alone when others have lost a loved one I never knew grief could cut so deep x

I ask those same questions. I don’t think there is an answer. Yesterday wasn’t a good day for me. So very tired and my heart galloping. Grief can be very physical. I miss my son so much. I’d give anything to see him again. I think we have to focus on the next 24 hours, getting through. Stay strong, I’m thinking of you.

Dear All,
My heart goes out to you all. I lost my beautiful daughter in February and have so many bad days.
I try to tell myself that though I am having a bad day today then I tell myself that tomorrow will be better.
We have all been through the most terrible losses anyone can suffer and we need to be kind to ourselves. I find this site so helpful and comforting.
Sending you all much love xxx

hi michelle

im still lost wondering why this has happened to aaron and me what do I do now I am totally lost without my boy no one to laugh with no one to talk to and Claire his girlfriend at the time is so down so alone it is just cruel she really loved him and now nothing and im afraid that’s all there will ever be nothing