You’re clearly a lot stronger than you know to be true.
I know this because you are here, your actively seeking help
letting trauma go isn’t easy, but you deserve the best life and you need to remind yourself of that every day!
Wishing you loads of luck and love xx

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I know how you feel i lost my step dad in febuary 2023 from cancer and in november 2023 i lost my mum which was so sudden and such a shock and i feel so broken and lost xxx
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Yes bless you I can imagine. I still can’t get over the loss of my mum 12 years ago she was in an accident with me and I feel so guilty. I’ve not grieved for her and I miss her so much. I’m trying to get help.
I hope you feel a little less broken and lost but I know it isn’t a quick fix like everyone would like it to be. Take care xx
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Hi. I just joined this community after experiencing episodes of sadness , anger , guilt and frustration. I lost my handsome dad to the cold hands of death at age 76. Some might say well he’s a bit old, but nothing ever prepares you for grief. All of a sudden I became Fatherless. What hurt the most is the fact that I’ve not physically seen my old man for almost 20 years. I was very close to seeing him by travelling out , then I fell really sick. I was also his only daughter and first child. God it hurts as I know that during his dying moments , he would have loved to have seen me. I guess it was not meant to be. As I speak I’m still recuperating, but I miss every damn thing about him including his imperfections. Daddy please come back to me , I will do anything to hear your voice again or have you in my arms. I love you so much , I never knew how much I loved you till you were gone. May we all be able to bear the loss of our parents. Grief does also manifest itself physically. Wishing you all love. God bless 

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So sorry to read your post.
Losing a parent is so hard. I lost my mum after an accident involving me do I carry all the guilt surrounding it. My father was not a nice man he was an abusive controlling man and my mum was trapped in their marriage.
So to lose her in those circumstances was horrific.
And you are right it does physically have an impact on you.
I hope that you can rest easy one day not sure if that’s possible?
Take care
Thank you Jan I pray my mum is at peace she too was abudive to us as children but she was trapped in an unhappy abusive verbally marriage. So I had it from both parents it’s har.
Sorry you’ve been in an abusive marriage I hope you are out of it and safe now.
I have had so many traumas in my life. I lost my husband when he was 41 we were on our first ever holiday with our 2 kiddies he went missing in the sea and was dragged out but unfortunately it was too late. We witnessed everything and I have flashbacks still and hate anything to do with water. It wasn’t straight forward they did a postmortem and found nothing wrong and he was only in waist deep water! So I have so many unanswered questions.
That’s only a bit of my traumas but I’m hopefully getting help to cope better with life.
Take care Jan xx
Oh dear you’ve gone through a lot as well. We all have a story to tell and one’s circumstances are different and more than the other. I’ve had my fair share of life , my health is another battling issue I’m facing through , but if the saying is true that what don’t kill you makes you stronger , then I am one of those. Your husband’s death must be so traumatic experiencing and witnessing the event first hand , is nothing to be matched with. I can only hope you recover from this awful event and heal. At least for your kids to keep on being strong , that’s exactly what I’m doing for mine too. But one thing I know is that we are built to be strong and we shall bounce back in no time 

Hi Lillie I’m the same I can’t reach out to people I find it really hard. I found this site really helpful as I have none to really talk to. My siblings and me don’t get along and the one I do talk to is struggling herself so I have to be the strong one. So being able to express how I’m feeling on here is a helpful.
I lost my dad suddenly to covid in 2020 and lost my mum unexpectedly 5 weeks ago, feel very low and I’m struggling with my grief. Just had my baby 8 weeks ago and still getting used to being a new mum, I feel like it’s too much to cope with all at once and my hormones are all over the place. Don’t know where else to turn.
Hiya I’m all new to this website but less than a month ago I lost my dad to bowel cancer. I’m only 18 so loosing my dad so young broke me. I’m struggling to deal with it all and wondered if there was any advice or anything that could help me through the grief process.
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Hi I can’t say I know how you feel as it feels different to eveybody and you are still young all I can say to you is we all know how greif feels and we are all on the same journey to build a life without them by our side but in our hearts talking about them sharing memories we are here to listen its sometimes easyer to talk to on here than to your family always here to listen take care
I lost my dad, last week, and although I still have my mum, it is me that is having to sort everything out, which is hard, I don’t feel I have been able to grieve, because I have to be strong for her, which of course I don’t begrudge at all, but it’s tough, today we met with the celebrant and I had to watch her cry, it broke me! Xx