Absorbed with grief

I lost my dad to covid in December. His suffering was long and he lived in Spain. I was not informed of his illness until he was taken to hospital fighting for breath. The hospital wouldn’t allow anyone to visit until he lost his fight with days to live. I made it to Spain. I live with his cries and the trauma of seeing him so weak and vulnerable after having had a normal conversation with him weeks before. I grew up with dad and my parents divorced when I was 10. I chose to go with dad, so I was raised by him. My nights and days are full of upset, pain and thoughts of him. I haven’t really been out since or seen many friends as I can’t face the world without him. I try but I cry so easily and just want him back. Can anyone recommend any therapy of councillors that may be able to help me.

Hello, I am so sorry about your dad and understand how you are feeling because seeing someone you love in so much in pain is dreadful. I think you are right to look at counselling and I would also recommend alternative therapies, it’s a case of finding which works for you. Aromatherapy and reflexology is were I would start and then see how you feel.
The two bereavement counselling services that offer free sessions I will list below, after that there are many private ones and there is the NHS, it really depends on your own circumstances and again what works for you, we are all individual and what works for one may not for another.
Please remember the good times and happy memories but most of all be kind to yourself. S xx


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Thank you I will try these.