Additional support over the holidays

Hello everyone,

We know that Christmas and the new year can be very difficult when we’re grieving. The Online Community team will be here as always, with reduced hours on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. And there will always be someone on the community to listen. But if you need some extra support, here are some options that you can explore.

If you are struggling with thoughts of self-harm or suicide

You might also find it helpful to read Mind’s guide on coping with suicidal feelings, and coping with thoughts of self-harm.

Helplines, webchats and text support

  • Samaritans are available 24/7 to talk about anything that you are worried about in confidence. You can call them on 116 123.

  • Shout are contactable by text, 24/7. You can text REMEDY to 85258 and talk to them about anything.

  • provides a helpline and online chat, as well as information and support, for anyone affected by suicide or suicidal thoughts. Their helpline and webchat are open over Christmas. You can call them on 0800 58 58 58.

  • The Compassionate Friends provides support to bereaved families after the death of a child. Their helpline is open from 10am to 4pm, and 7pm to 10pm, every day of the year. You can call them on 0345 123 2304.

  • Winston’s Wish offer advice and support for grieving children and young people. Their support line is on 08088 020 02 and open between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday.

  • Child Bereavement UK support families when a child dies or is grieving. They also support siblings. Their helpline on 0800 1026175.

  • The Silver Line provides support, information, friendship and advice for anyone aged over 55 who may feel lonely or isolated. The Silver Line is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can call them on 0800 4 70 80 90.

  • Trussell Trust provide emergency food and support for people in need. Their website includes a searchable list of local foodbanks. The Help through Hardship line is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. The helpline is closed on public holidays. You can call them on 0808 208 2138.

  • Drinkaware have a list of resources for people who are worried about their own drinking, or someone else’s drinking. Drinkline is a free, confidential helpline for anyone who is concerned about their drinking, or someone else’s. Their helpline is on 0300 123 1110. (weekdays 9am–8pm, weekends 11am–4pm) If you are in Scotland, you can also contact Drinkline Scotland on 0800 7314 314.

Sue Ryder resources

  • Our Grief Guide self-help platform which has information, resources and advice to help you through your grief
  • Our Grief Coach one-way text service, which sends you personalised text support via SMS
  • Our Bereavement Information pages which can walk you through what you are going through.

You can also read our coping with grief at Christmas support page.

Sue Ryder Grief Guide self-help resources

If there are things that you find helpful in coping with grief, please do share them on the thread.

Take good care, you are not alone :blue_heart:


Just finding today very hard. First day alone this week. My choice to return home after four days at my eldest sons. Could have stayed longerbut knew it would only get harder to leave.Now facing several days with nothing planned. Managed Christmas reasonably well with lots of family around but now feeling very alone. Just want my husband back. He died five months ago and it just seems to get harder.
Sending love to anyone else feeling alone today. X


Hi @Lucy04,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,

Sue Ryder Online Community team

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Hello Lucy04. Just found your post and I feel the same as you today. Lost husband almost six months ago, and today really feels like the end of a chapter as he won’t be with me going into 2025 - it’s a horrible feeling, as if I’m abandoning him, and it’s the end of an era. Thank you for sending love to anyone else feeling alone today - it’s kind of you. I send love back to you too, and hope things soon start to get better for us both. X


StNicolas, your feelings do resonate with me, feeling like 2025 is a remove’ from what we once shared and all the years we shared and the end of an era. I am not going to try and think in linear time scales, there is no calendar for the heart


Thank you, Pooka1968 - your kind words are much appreciated.

I feel exactly the same as if im leaving him behind .we were married 54 years x cant see me ever getting over this .but i hope you find some peace


Thank you, Nipper49. I do hope you manage to find some peace too, and that things will eventually begin to ease for us both. Take care.

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Thank you both. Would love to say everything is/was fine but at least I survived without inflicting my inner anguish on everyone else. Know it’s not easy for my sons either. I so hope the New Year helps us all move on a little. That said, I don’t want to move away from all the good things we shared.

Having a lovely day alone today, cutting up shirts to make memory bears. No one to see me crying. So many memories. :purple_heart:


Hi Lucy there is no quick fix im afraid for the lonliness we feel when we come home to a empty house ,wether it br after staying with family or just going out for a few hours .I lost my husband 18 months ago and still feel exactly the same ,i just want you to know you are not alone by any means ,the grief journey is a journey i wouldnt wish on anyone .I found help going to bereavement councilling sessions ,i have met a group of lovely friends ,we share each others grief ,we meet up every month for a catch up ,i live in the Rotherham, south Yorkshire area and if i can help you in anyway please reach out ,as i am quite a bit further into the grieving process i am here to try to answer any questions you may have ,sending you much love .


Yes that’s how I felt this year he is getting further away in the past. Two years and 2 months. Me muddling along on my own.
Still reminders all the time wherever I go.
Playing adventure golf on my tod. Thinking here we go another first. Well at least I am moving on to do it at all. Felt a sense of achievement I managed to do the down hill course. Sit down like we used to do and sketch in the sun. Be nice to have another widower sitting and chatting to pass time of day.


Hello Lucy04 , I understand your sentiment when you say ‘’ Just want my husband back’’ I feel exactly the same, I also managed Christmas reasonably well but have been very down since then . I am glad to hear you have chidren/sons . I am alone in the house since my husband died 5 months ago , at least I have my little dog, she is a comfort , but no real purpose to my life at present , very sad .


Six months today. Hoping to home a little rescue cat this week. So excited not yo be quite alone at home. Sounds silly as if a cat will replace my darling husband but will be company of sorts. X

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I lost my old 13 yearold cat two months ago but was having trouble coping with her getting under my feet. Also she was pooing everywhere.
I miss her cuddles and company. Not ready for another cat yet. But suppose one mjght turn up. My son has two cats. One doesn’t like cuddles. The other does.
My old cat was rehomed from my son who couldnt cope with her and baby. Also she had been run over and they didnt want it to happen again.
I had three cats run over. Several cats died young.

It will definately be comfort of sorts Lucy04, good for you for rehoming a pusscat.

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