
Today is 6 months since I lost my daughter…I’m not sure i feel any better. I can’t even force myself to dream about her and I don’t know what to do about anything anymore…

Hi SD123

So sorry you are here … life is so cruel. I don’t have any answers and am feeling exactly the same …just wanted to say I understand. I lost my 14 year son suddenly in July 2021 and feel as though the shock is only starting to wear off. We still have investigations going too as he had an undiagnosed brain tumour which the doctors where treating him for something else.

Sending hugs


Hi to you both, my heart goes out to you both because I can’t think what it must feel like to loss a child. I hope you can keep in touch with each other. Knowing that someone else is going through the same type of thing can be so comforting. Everyone on here will support both of you, so please keep posting and reading others post, it does help. Grief knows no boundaries but we are here for you.
S xx

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So sorry for your loss. It will be 6 months tomorrow I lost my son Christopher. He also was being treated for something he didn’t have, potential Neurological problem when he had a severe heart condition where he could have died at any moment. It is with the Ombudsman now. So for me it was a preventable death as his condition could have been treated. I have been very ill with pneumonia. They sent me for tests when his cause of death was established. I can’t say I feel any better either. I keep expecting him to call, to walk through the door xx

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I’m sorry to hear about your son Christopher. It’s such a shock isn’t it, I can’t believe this has happened. I still feel stuck in July , time doesn’t move for us when we lose our beautiful boys while the world just keeps going.

Look after yourself Cemoore although I know your own health is probably the very last thing on your mind

Sending hugs



Sending you all love i lost sam april last year cancer …still so shocking this site has helped me when im so down i just chat .we all the same on here .so very sorry for your losses .sam was 25 my baby life is cruel and takes the best xxx love zoe xx


Hi Zoe

Sorry to hear about your Sam. You are spot on there that life is so cruel. I’m guessing the shock stays to protect us slightly. Our beautiful boys should be here

Lots of love


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I feel you i am going through the loss of my son 14yr old he was taken from me by a dangerous driver if anyone is unsure about support please reach out to winstons wish they have sent my other children books and myself xxx