
First of all sorry for your loss … I’m one week in from loosing my partner of 15 years he was only 54 .

That is absolute rubbish what that medium has told you !! You will one day be reunited and love each other the same as you did on this earth.

Love and hugs xx



So sorry for your loss :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It’s a very tough time for us all . I’m 8 weeks this week and still seems surreal as it was so sudden :broken_heart:

I really hope we are reunited with our loved ones xx

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My head is even more messed up than it ever was, I want the same relationships with my loved ones there as I do here, I want to know who my mum is and I want to be always her daughter, I used to fear ceasing to exist but is it really that bad compared to what this medium told us x

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I hope so. I’ve been crying most of the day thinking even if I’m holding on to hope about the afterlife what’s the point if we won’t love each other in the same way anyway. Part of me now thinks that our earthly relationships sound better than anything we could have in the afterlife if there is one. I’m so messed up right now. I’ve avoided going to my GP because I hate going to the doctors, I haven’t been for many years but I do wonder if I need something to stop me going crazy. My head can’t take anymore of this and my thoughts are getting quite dark now.

I just wish I knew what I’m supposed to do now :broken_heart:

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@LostLil i asked my husband “Will you be waiting for me when it’s my time “. When I spoke to the medium the first thing she said to me was in answer to your question your husband will be waiting for you. That gave me the belief and the comfort knowing he will be waiting for me. Sending you a big hug. Another thing we so miss. Everything was okay when we were held close x


Go on You Tube and look at the Medium from America called Matt Frazer, he is brilliant. Take Care Mickere

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I follow him on Facebook. He has a five year waiting list unfortunatey although I have added my name to that list. Perhaps I’ll never be able to have a reading off him but I do enjoy watchng the readings he gives others. He does group readings where you buy a ticket for about £15 then attend an online group reading and hope to be picked. Lots of people have managed to get readings after only buying a ticket once or twice. I would prefer a private one on one though so I haven’t plucked up the courage to buy tickets yet.

I’ve got a reading at the end of the month with another well known medium from America. It cost me £750 so I hope it’s good :crossed_fingers:
I’m hoping that I can use some of the fifty minutes that I get from her to ask her a couple of questions at the end of my reading.

That’s so true! No matter what was going on in my life just to have a big hug off him made everything better :broken_heart:
I miss him sooo much. Just thinking that he will be waiting for me on the other side would make me feel so much better although in all honest I think I’d look forward to death just a little bit too much if I knew for sure he’d be waiting x

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