
So I don’t really know if I believe in anything after death. I desperately want to believe though. One thing that I’ve come across today is a medium saying that our earthly relationships are only valid here and on the other side it’s more a universal love where there’s no husbands and wives etc, we just love everyone.

That actually made me feel even more depressed. My plan was to plod on with life until it’s my turn then hopefully reunite with my OH as partners like we were in life, now I’m doubting if that’s even an option. If we love everyone equally on the other side then my partner will mean no more to me there than my absent earth “father”

That thought absolutely kills me and I feel so down and deflated by it all.

Anybody else have any thoughts on this?

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Hi Its only 4 weeks for me and im desperate for signs from him and when i read what the medium said i feel so gutted thats all we had to hold on too wasnt it that hope .But then i think no one knows for sure and i dont think Real love can ever die do you xxx

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This last week I’d been feeling a lot more positive. I had it all worked out. I’d decided we were only parted temporarily, I just needed to plod on until it’s my turn then we’d be reunited again as romantic partners. I really tried so hard to believe there’s something more after death but now I feel so down and deflated by it all. I just can’t cope with it all anymore.

I don’t know how to think or feel. I’m sure the medium wanted to help us feel better but now I’m feeling worse :confused:

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Don’t let what the medium said upset you just live with memory and love of your husband nobody knows what will happen after we die.Just live with the hope we will be reunited if we’re not then we are not as you said in one of your previous posts we won’t know anything about it.I am trying to think like this now .It is so so hard all of it. We have to hang on and don’t take any notice of mediums who make good money out of their job
Love and hugs


Well said!

I have lots of lovely memories of my partner but I just can’t accept that memories are all I have of him now.
I have some video clips of him with his voice on but I can’t bring myself to listen to them. It hurts to much to see him so alive and full of life. My head is more messed up than ever right now. If the afterlife is actually real why do mediums all say different things?
Nothing makes any sense :broken_heart:

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I cannot listen to Brys voice either , like you I cannot bare to see him so full of life less than 8 weeks ago and now gone :sleepy::sleepy: xxx

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I’ve got his dashcam from his car but I just can’t pluck up the courage to listen to the conversations we used to have in the car :broken_heart: It would hurt too much right now and I’m just not ready. I had a few ok days this week, I still cried a few times through the day but I was mostly ok then today after reading what this medium has said I’m on a right downer and feeling like I can’t cope again :broken_heart:

I really feel like I’m never going to be able to get past this. I love him and I need him. I can’t see a future without him in it x

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@LostLil I notice that you are always questioning if there is afterlife. Some people on here are getting signs from their love ones which you are questioning and mediums are telling you stuff which you are questioning. I would like to know if there is afterlife and hope there is but wouldn’t want my husband in limbo for years. No one knows and will never know. Some people believe in the afterlife and some people don’t believe in the afterlife. We will never know until it is our turn. You will have to believe in what your beliefs are. I understand why you like to know though as like me you lost your partner suddenly and have no closure or answers. Life is definitely unfair and cruel. Hopefully one day you will get answers and what you are looking for xx



I know what you mean . I’ve had a couple of ‘ok’ days this week then this weekend I’ve been a mess again .

The thing is we want to be more than ‘ok’ :sleepy: xxx


@LostLil oh no . I’m quite disgusted by the thought of “ universal love”. No . I’m sure I will be reunited with my soulmate and I am holding onto this to try to keep going . Xx💔

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@Hazel.1966 well I too lost my love suddenly and unexpectedly. I’m holding onto the belief that we will be reunited as a way to cop and get through the pain of the unanswered questions x💔


I just can’t fathom getting there and my OH only being as important to me as my sperm donor father who has never been around :disappointed:

He was my world. I really need to believe we’ll still be super important to eachother on the other side. I don’t want to ever move on in my earth lifetime. I want to stay on my own so that I can reunite with him on a romantic level. Now I’m not sure that’s even an option. My heads a right mess now :disappointed:

I don’t know if we’ll ever be more than “Ok” again x

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I also can’t look at the photos and videos it’s naturally painful as it is terrible because he no longer lives but soon we will be able to look at them . We just have to remember all the things he said and live in hope we will meet again


@19Lefke95 yes exactly- I think this is all about hope and getting through our own personal sadness x💔


Yes I believe it is a personal struggle we Have to win .We are still here and hope is what we have to hang on to .We will win ! our lovely kind and caring husbands will be by our sides.xxhugs


@19Lefke95 exactly . I have to believe that my love is watching over me otherwise I will crumble and give up :broken_heart:

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@LostLil hi, the messages from the medium unnerved me too. I’ve believed in the spirit world for 30 plus years and like you I look forward to the day I am reunited with my partner. I know the medium is trying to help us but I was thinking back to messages I’ve heard at a spiritualist church where more than one relative says they are reunited with another relatives and how happy they are together. So, whilst accepting that no one can be 100% sure, I think we will be re united and it will be on a strong love link like it is now. In the mean time our loved ones will be around us and help us while we are still here. Maybe when you have your reading you can ask their opinion?

When I seen my Medium here, first he was able to talk about my Mum and Dad, how they were together etc. when he spoke about Martin, he said things that could only come from him… it felt at one point he was in the room talking with Brian (Medium) so, I really do believe when we meet again, it will be the same love!