
I’m going the same way now too.
my dear wife died from aggressive breast cancer nearly 5 years ago in November 2017. She was completely bed ridden in a very caring nursing home for her last few weeks and I spent almost every waking hour with her. The last time she was out of a bed in a wheelchair she decided, despite her frailty, she wanted to watch the November firework display from the lounge in a wheelchair and the home pulled out all the stops to make it happen. She loved it but the effort from bed to chair to lift to lounge took so much out of her she passed away that night without the chance to say goodbye. I have only coped since, with the help of friends of my late wife coming in to check on me, but now, I too, am completely bed ridden at home with an incurable muscle wasting disease with only these friends and for 3 times a day carers. I cannot face this life any longer. I am no longer considered at risk by my local surgery who rarely grant me access to medical help. All I want to do is go and join Moira in the hereafter and end all this heartache and pain. I’m too distraught to write any more. Sorry if I’ve interfered with anyone’s beliefs.

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@BIGAL1 so sorry for your situation, you really could do with some good friends at the minute couldn’t you .
It’s hard to think of what to say to you, you will one day be reunited with you precious wife one day but I’m sure she’d want you to try be positive as much as you can be in your awful situation. You sound like you really looked after her aswell.
Big hugs