Alcohol. I fine servant but a terrible master

I used to enjoy a glass or two of wine, with my husband, in the evenings, then came a small bombshell. I was diagnosed with a very rare inherited blood condition called porphyria, I believe it was my mother who carried the faulty gene. I was referred to our local hospital, it was making me so ill. Much to my horror, the consultant ( who was a wonderful lady) asked me if I drank alcohol, yes, I said and told her what my average consumption was, she answered me with the words. "You must never let another drop of alcohol pass your lips. I looked round expecting to see someone else come into the room, but no she was talking to me. To this day, I have never had a drop and it is going on for 25 years. I must admit when Stan passed I went to the cupboard, very tempted, but I resisted temptation, I thought of Jesus in the desert when the Devil was taunting Him and I haven’t given in to temptation, Thank God. Stan still continued to have his couple of drinks in the evening but I was never tempted, so it can be done my friends, I am not allowed to eat sherry trifle or use mouth wash which contains alcohol, so I drink apple juice with flavoured water added. I pretend it is wine. Good luck all of you who are struggling. Love, MaryL

I used to drink daily, quite a bit more than the recommended limit, I gave it up last september and am as skinny again now as was when I was 20…!
lost over two stone from my waist which was a good incentive to not drink again.

My drink of choice now is lemonade with fruit juice and coconut water, its refreshing and a lot less fat making for me.