All of a sudden

Ive been doing quite well nearly 10 months on but was a bit blindsided this morning .Putting some coupons in my purse and a little photo of Bill fell out .Young and lovely in his Raf Uniform the tears came and the unbearable longing to see him.It really is like being in the sea and a wave catching you unawares .Thanks to everyone who shares it so nice to feel there are people who really get this .Lots of hugs x

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It’s amazing how something small can suddenly trigger such powerful emotions, it’s the penalty we pay for having loved someone xx

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Indeed watching our daughters wedding video now Its one of those days today just going to go with it I think !! Thank you for your kind words x

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Hi Susie
I so know that feeling. I have a photo of my husband on the shelf above my study desk so I can see him while I work. It has been there since long before he died. He looks so handsome in it. It breaks my heart to see it now, yet I can’t bring myself to put it somewhere else. We don’t make things easier for ourselves, do we?

No we dont Ann .Glad to know Im not the only one .Its the voice too .Bill was Scots and had a lovely soft accent .Hope you are ok and everyone else as well .Will keep on going lots of hugs xx