Almost 2 years ago


It’s almost two years ago my dad unexpectedly passed away. Upcoming Thursday (August 11th) it’s two years and tomorrow (Sunday august 7th) it’s 2 years ago that I last saw my dad.
He was white as a ghost and felt really bad.
I go to a Church with my mom and cousin to light a candle for dad.
I miss him so much.

How do you deal with it if the day your parent(s) died come up?
Do you do something special on days like this?

Bye & sunny greeting from the Netherlands.

Hi Janine - I am so sorry for your loss, I am sending you all my love and strength. You are incredibly brave, I know these anniversaries can be so full of dread and anticipation. I have had five since my dad passed away, and I would love to tell you it gets easier, but I don’t think they ever will. I can barely remember the first few, but I know I’ve tried everything. The first year I had two gcse exams so barely had time to think, and the second is a blur. The third and fourth I tried everything to avoid being with my family as I thought it would be too hard to spend the day with them, but the last one (May 15th this year) I finally decided to spend it with my family, and I am so glad I did. Instead of avoiding the topic and sinking into my bed all day, I sat outside with my family and we shared stories and memories about him. As hard as it is, that is what I would say helped me get through the day. However, that is obviously incredibly difficult to do, so I think lying in bed, watching tv, eating your favourite foods and actually experiencing your pain in it’s full extent is completely acceptable as well! Whatever makes the day bearable. Again, I am sending you so much love and strength for this upcoming day! You are doing amazing <3
M x

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Thank you for the support.

Also my grandma an uncle and aunt go to visit my mom in the afternoon and I’m going to my moms too.
We try to make something of it.
I’m dreading tomorrow now but the leading up to is the hardest part I find.
Will be glad if it’s the end of tomorrow and then we’re going up to 2,5 years, I find the half a years the hardest.

Being with my mom and cousin the rest of the day is nice to spend with people that love and miss my dad as much as I do.
We try to have fun and go for an ice cream and out for lunch.
There is also a heatwave over here so than I’d rather be out of the house then super hot inside.

Have a nice day further.