Almost a year

It’s coming up to almost a year since I lost mum. I’m still surrounded by memories in the flat or out, doesn’t really make a difference. A lonely existence with the hospital has my only escape from things. That’s my life these days, and yes I can do things to change that. But I still have to come home to the flat and the memories. What ever happens, that won’t change. I now know I lost my best friend and there’s nothing I can do about that. My life is a existence till the inevitable happens and I join mum.

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Hello Keith,

I have just read your post and wondering how you are doing? I hope you are finding some joy in the small things and people are reaching out to you on here. I find it very helpful knowing I am not alone in my feelings of sadness. My Mum passed 18 months ago but still feels very raw sometimes. I hope you have some support. Nothing will bring back your lovely Mum but may help. Jules

I’m juggling this and being diagnosed with Myeloma too.