Almost two years on

My mother was wonderful. To know her was to love her. She died in February 2020 after a short illness. She was only meant to be going to hospital for some tests due to her lung disease but she went downhill and died within a week. It was during covid so we couldn’t visit her and the whole time thought she would be out soon. She was in a coma and then died they let us in to be with her and say goodbye but I never got to speak to her. She couldn’t say goodbye to me. I feel so lost without her almost two years on and I still cry so much, she was my best friend and I had so many plans in the future with her, I moved home to be with her and looked after her during her last six months. Now the world is so much darker my dad lives alone and I am so lonely too. So many things I want to say to her and do with her and it’s just all gone. I think I’ll never get over this


Hello @Rgw2022, thank you for starting this thread and sharing how you’re feeling. I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum. She sounds wonderful and I’m sorry you didn’t get to say goodbye.

I think a lot of our members will relate to how you’re feeling, with things you can’t say or do. I wanted to share our Grief Guide with you. It has lots of resources but also some self-help tools which you might want to take a look at. Some of our members have used the journalling and memory box tools to remember their loved ones, and to say those things they wanted to say.

I hope you find the community to be a support - you have been heard and are not alone.

Take care