Alone and lost

My husband of 33 years died 16 days ago. Up to now I’ve been busy sorting out the funeral and his business affairs. It’s all done now so what now?
I don’t know how to live my life without him in it. He was 56, we did not plan for this.


16 days you will still be in a state of shock please just take one day at a time if this is too much an hour at a time, get through any way you can shout, cry, sob the anxiety in your tummy does ease eventually but every one is different and as I learned the more you loved the harder you grieve. It’s a cruel place to be in but we here are all experiencing your pain.

Virtual hugs :yellow_heart:

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I’m at a similar stage - 3 weeks tomorrow and funeral hasn’t taken place yet. I am still ploughing through the paperwork. I too feel scared and alone - we were together for over 34 years from the age of 16. I don’t know how my happy life can have been torn apart so quickly. We are all here to support each other. Sending hugs