Alone and lost

Hi my wife passed away on 3 February 2022 and I’m finding life very difficult without her even though she was very ill she was my rock . Dose the feeling I have get easier sometimes I feel as if I’m ok other times I feel as if the world around me has just well gone .

I’m sure we all feel like that when our partners pass away.
It’s an awful shock and takes a very long time to come to terms with.
I am so sorry your wife was very ill before she died. Losing your rock is heartbreaking.
I hope you have family or friends who can support you.
We understand your loss and your sadness.
It’s only just over a month for you and that is such early days.
Take care of yourself. Keep reading and putting your feelings down.
I really hope you can get some comfort from knowing that unfortunately there are many of us in the same position
Janey x


Hi Taz
I am so sorry for your loss, it’s so heartbreaking to lose the person you live so deeply. I lost my husband 14 weeks and 2 days ago and for me it isn’t easier but I have learned that grief seems to change.

One minute you can’t stop crying oceans if tears, the you obsessively go through photos and videos , then you can’t look at them, then the anxiety hits and you can’t bear to leave the house, you want company but when you have it you don’t want it, then you want to talk about it all then you don’t, the the oceans of tears come, then you have to start dealing with people’s reactions ( not being able to look at you or speak to you, saying unthoughtful things, the looks of are you still crying about it), then you have all your firsts - birthday, anniversary etc t is so so hard.

I truly have no answers because for me it feels like yesterday that my lovely, funny, caring husband passed. He was my absolute world, not even the word soulmate seems enough to describe him and our marriage.

Keep posting in here, a friend if mine told me writing down how you feel is good for you as you get your emotions out without any judgement. I started a diary/journal which I add to at times but sometimes I write on here because people listen and acknowledge your loss and your grief.

I hope you find some happiness on your journey even if it is small happiness in your memories, take care x