
Michael my partner died 19/12/20…. And l have lived in a disbelieve in state, from then l read a lot of what you will go through, grief pain anger and depression, I have asked for a counsellor again but you have to self referral from the doctor and wait, because I feel I’m making no progress I don’t go out if I can help it I’ve Go to work come home walk the dog and hideaway l have five minute conversation with my sons, because me and them don’t know what to say to me I finish work in two weeks have a weeks break and then do two days a week semi retired and I have not moved on.


Dear Les2
The best advice I received from a friend was “ do not isolate yourself “ it is not easy, at times you don’t feel like it , at times it is boring but it is good to keep in contact with people
Take care
Sadie x

Hi, you do sound in need of counselling and from my own personal experience it helps. Try Cruse or Sue Ryder just for the bereavement, it can get you over the hiding away thing that you write about. It sounds good that you have dogs to walk and normally people walking dogs talk to each other, perhaps going at different time or route would help you, I do know it’s not easy.
I think most of us on here have felt like you during our difficult grief times. The past years has been hard to think about the future or lack of it and you are not alone, I haven’t got back to doing normal things and don’t feel I ever will and anyway what is normal when we are grieving? Please look after yourself and we are all think of you. S xx

Cruse 08088081677

Hello I am having a bad again and again,crying for my wife I cannot go on without her,I just cannot,I am so alone and unhappy,I just want to die.This is not the life I want .Michael

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