Alone !!!!

Hi my partner and best friend of 30 years passed away in July there. I think I’m just coming out of shock and now realising that he is gone I feel a physical pain in my chest like someone is sitting on me the tears are uncontrollable I’m burst into tears I’m heartbroken I feel so so lost I’m not sleeping,eating, getting dressed. I feel like this is killing me id appreciate to hear from anyone who is going through this type of loss


I lost my husband early June. The physical pain is awful but slowly I am feeling better. Initially I howled. Now I cry most days but not all day. The loneliness is awful as I am virtually housebound. Try and set yourself 1 task each day even if it is just to get dressed. Make lists. I still don’t sleep properly. Read the posts on this site. It will get better. Take all the help you are offered. Xx. Sandra

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So sorry you’ve had to join this club, however it is a supportive one.
What you describe, we have all felt it out still feel it. It’s a tough road we are on.
The early days are so incredibly hard and raw. My advice would be to take one hour, day at a time. Only do what is necessary. Cry, scream, shout, whatever, to let it out. Don’t think of the future as that will be too painful. Reach out on here whenever you feel the need. There are so many of us on here that feel the same as you x

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@Shaz1973 sorry for your loss and welcome to the forum. It is very early days for you and I remember well the constant despair at your stage. I can say at 21 weeks the pain is not so all consuming and desperate. But being honest grief seems to ebb & flow over time. I have been very up and down but not as raw as the early days. More a profound sadness & loneliness. Not sure any of this is helpful but hopefully reassures you that the utter despair does ease. Chatting on here has helped me a lot. Hopefully it can help you too. Take care.

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Hi Shaz
Sorry for your loss.Easy words to say,but I really mean it.I lost my husband in May this year from liver cancer.He was diagnosed in March this year and lasted 7 weeks.He never stood a chance.He didn’t even get to have any treatment.It is hard for me to move on as his death was horrid and unfair.I know exactly what you mean about your physical pain.I can’t offer any pearls of wisdom or advice.All I can say to you is mourn him and try in whatever way you can to carry on.We now live in this hollow world and have to support each other.Only those of us that are widowed on here understand our pain.

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Hi Shaz 1973
This is the first time I’ve posted a reply to anyone and I’m not yet brave enough to post my own thread.
I too lost my partner of 30 years on the 5th August this year, he had been unwell with bowel cancer but the shock was and is still very very raw. I hear you and want you to know that I understand everything you are feeling x

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I lost my husband of 50 years on 6th june. His official cause of death was internal bleeding with secondary of cancer of undetermined source. It was a real blow. He was told he had stage 3 bowel cancer on 26th May. On 28th May he was taken into hospital with internal bleeding which due to his warfarin they couldn’t stop. As you can see there was very little time between diagnosis and death. He was my carer so the bank holiday weekend was very difficult trying to organise care for myself and see him in the hospital. I seem to be getting worse not better. But from what I have read this is normal. I know exactly what you are going through and am there with you. Xx. Sandra