Always something to set us off...

It is just the little things that would set of off with the crying…I am putting a mug away in the cupboard and facing me is the mug that Richards niece had bought him one Christmas etched with a picture of Richards dare I say it, favourite dog, although he would always say he loved all three the same, yes I know he did…The reason she got it was it was her( his niece ) who took took over his dog agility competitions…Well I would often catch Richard holding and kissing this mug with the photo of our dog, so this morning and not for the first time I held it and gave photo a kiss and told him this was from his master, then another kiss, saying this one is from me, and telling him his master is here no more along with me crying again as I was saying it…


I know what you mean Jackie. Simon made me a small wooden heart and wrote i love you on it. It is on a notice board in the kitchen, so I keep looking at it and it brings back memories. In the garage is a little heart shape wooden box he was making for me but never finished. I find it hard to go in there as that was his ‘man cave’. I missing him so much. I bought some roses for my birthday from Simon, mad I know. I am proud of myself because I managed to go to the hospital where he passed away six months ago for my appointment. It was hard to be by myself, but I kept it together. I told him about when I got back. I am doing colouring at night while watching tv. It is very therapeutic and relaxes me. Going back to my childhood.
Janet x

We do whatever it takes to give us some form of comfort…
I still cant believe I shall never see my Richard again, never hear his voice…

I have a few videos on my iPad with our Grand children doing challenges, handstands, rollypolly on our lawn, you can’t see my hubby or myself (I was doing the shooting) but my husbands voice is egging them on, I shan’t ever delete these. So strange to hear his voice. Nevertheless I am playing these over and over.

Got up off the sofa, looked at the photo on the sideboard of a happy smiling Richard and it started me off crying again as my mind went back to this is how he looked when we was back home in our house in Bedfordshire, still had the dogs…mongst the tears I had a giggle as this is the Richard I best remeber as my mind was taken back to tthe markets he would drive to on such and such days, there was Woburn Market once a month on a Sundays, he would ask me if I want to go along, sometimes I did, sometimes I declined, he was never there long, just went their for a few things but what got me smiling was he had a way of being one step out the font door, then asking me " is there anything I want…" well, trying to think when he was standing sideways, one foot in, one foot out the door, but this was typical Richard…done this all the time…
