An empty chair.

I know our loss is very new and raw, even though our daughter battled for over two and a half years knowing it was inevitable hasn’t lessened the blow. We lost her 2 weeks ago, aged 16. I find dinner time cooking is when I’m having my meltdown. She always sat in her armchair next to the log burner.and we chatted whilst I cooked And it kills me to see it empty. Yet I can’t change the room around. It’s like I’m torturing myself, then thoughts spiral as to all she has been deprived of. Struggling today. :broken_heart:


Bless you Losing your daughter at such a young age must be so painful I am sure you miss her so much it’s early days yet and U have a long road ahead So please look after yourself Don’t try to do too much Thinking of you and hope you find peace Blessings


Hi Iggy,
Sorry for the loss of your daughter, I fully sypathise with the empty chair as my sons empty chair broke me. Even now, 2 years later, i stare at it yearning to see him and chat to him.
I was really missing him one day and heard him say in my mind “if you turn around Mam, you won’t see me, but I’m there” and so I talk to him like he is sitting there.
If the whole world thinks I’m losing the plot, thats ok, I am not ready to live without my son, and so I won’t! In my mind, he’s there and although unseen, I do catch the smell of him at times.
I’d rather survive with the belief that my beautiful son is still by my side, the other option is something I cant live with.
We each have to find that place where we can live on, it takes a while but we do survive, I don’t quite know how, but we do
Much love to you x


I’ve only been on this journey for 21 long days …….I too have been struggling with her empty chair ,the cup she used for her cups of tea ,the food in the cupboards she had chosen ,the list is endless isn’t it ? I don’t know how anyone moves forward ,I feel like my life is over :cry: I have a 16 yr old son and a partner who is in the middle of chemo for bladder cancer,my head and my heart are spinning g out of control :broken_heart:

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It is heartbreaking and as much as friends and family want to help I feel like the only people that understand are those that have had or are experiencing the same pain and grief. Every day I get through is a day closer to being with her again is my mantra. In the meantime we have to live our lives for our other children, our partners and ourselves because that’s what our angels would want. Thinking of you. :broken_heart:

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You are not losing the plot you are doing what you have to do, I talk, sing, laugh and cry with my daughter anything to get through another day. Xxxx


I hold hands with you, as im in the same boat. Losi ng a parent, is hard. I wake up eacd day find it hard to put a tea bag in a cup. I still have the cup my mum drank out off, the day she passed. It still has a tea bag in it with powdered milk(the way she liked it). Theres still food in the freezer and the cupboards that my mum ate and liked to eat. I can’t bare to use them as it was one of the things i did for her, just before she came out of hospital.

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