an odd thought ...

I have been missing my parents so much and I had an odd thought.
I took myself to an astronomy party last night and enjoyed it.
I love astronomy.

but it was in my parents old neighborhood. anyway, I was melancholic and I thought,
what if they did come back? what if all of a sudden after five years, life was back to “normal”
and I was at their house with them, getting back what I miss most.

more of a plot for the Twilight Zone, I know. but I just thought how much would I like that, if one could really adapt. it is not a nice topic … but it is the one thing I want more than anything … and how would it be.

well, too spooky and odd to think on, probably.

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Dear @berit

Thank you for sharing your post with the Community. I am pleased to hear you enjoyed the Astronomy party. One of many to come I sense.

Take care of yourself.


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Hi, I’ve just celebrated a big birthday and my girls bought me a telescope I am fascinated by astronomy too. Along with the telescope I have a red letter day to go star gazing in the breacon beacons.

I struggle sleeping at the min and if it’s a clear sky I can get up now and use my telescope. I talk out loud, when I’m on my own, to my husband in the hope that he has not completely left me but oh what I would do for a hug from him.

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great gift. it is a wonderful hobby! takes us away from the doldrums into the sky.

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