And so another loss

Dear all,
After my wife of 50yrs passed with pancreatic cancer 15months ago I had several life lines locally. One neighbour Tony had lost his soulmate a few months earlier so we gelled as good friends whilst sharing the same level of grief and in the same way. We lunched every Friday and had the odd drink together. Then Tony suddenly died of a stroke totaly out of the blue. Tony was 87. The loss of a good mate. But I was lucky enough to also have two neighbours across the road who seemed to like my company. Keith had recently retired through ill health reasons and loved the male banter. I visited three times a week. His dear wife bought my food on line and cooked us both a meal whilst we had a few beers during my stay. But now they are moving out of London to Devon for a better climate and quality of life. Two valuable life lines will be lost forever. So soon it will be just me left with the memories of my little sweetie pie Anne. In a way I’m OK with that as I can talk to her more frequently, yet those soon to be completely lost life lines at least got me out of the house and provided a respite from my heart break. The problem is at 75 and despite reducing down as much as possible my life into the smallest bubble to avoid stress ( got rid of the car because of an accident) these good folk just kept me afloat from more or less isolation apart from our son visiting once week for a few hours and our daughter the same in between those weeks. Now Ive no idea what the future holds now.
Love and Light
Geoff x
Dear all,

Dear Geoff999, I’m taking a lesson out of this. It’s good that you can still recall and talk about these experiences and yet have the bravery to still move despite the setbacks you’ve encountered. Once again I’d like to say that a pastor from many years ago told us that when life reaches a point where all seems lost and you are reaching the end of your rope - then tie a know and hang in there - don’t give up - that’s courage!!
Best wishes Geoff!

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Dear Herb
I love all your posts even though I think this is the first time I’ve replied. You are a man of true heart and spirit. THANK YOU for your kind and loving words Sir.
Love and Light
Geoff x

Thank you Geoff! Yes, I think this is your first reply to me - but that doesn’t matter (I’m not keeping count). I’m glad I could offer a little support as I am in some sympathy for you. I read a number of messages , but can’t keep up with all the folks out there. But there are a few of you I keep noticing and want to offer what little encouragement as I can. I feel my heart was formed by my lovely wife Madeleine (We were only married for 8 years till I lost her. She was such a gentle and kind person (How fortunate I was to have her in my life). She was always concerned about me - at times I probably didn’t deserve her, told her one time - she said I did deserve her. I just try to carry on her spirit as best as I can . Thank you for the kind words sir!

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