
Having a bad day started off well but not so good now.
Such a nice day thought would potter in the garden. We loved our garden and Alan was the gardener but he motivated me and I helped. Without him gone it’s so hard I know what I want to do but need him help me and it ain’t going to happen.
Sometimes feel it’s getting easier but this was something we enjoyed together. There is so much I can do but need a push. He’s been gone 7months now and still so painful sometimes. I’m really trying and have got myself a volantry job to help myself and get me out meeting people. I hope your all going in right direction and coping we have to don’t we xx

Hi Ang, I think you are doing really well, it’s only 7 months, don’t be so hard on yourself, the garden must make your loss more intense, keep going, we learn to live with the grief, it doesn’t go but gets easier to cope with eventually, sending hugs Jude xx

Are thank you Jude yes it is painful as we were always pottering he would say don’t we make a good team. It’s the same when I go into the shed he is all over. Couple more jobs then going for a walk that helps clear my mind. Hope you are OK x