
Hi, it is a while since I have written on here. I lost my Mum 19mths ago & it still feels like yesterday. At times, I can’t believe she has gone, I miss her so so much. The slightest thing can make me cry, as they bring back a memory.
I had counselling soon after mum passed, it gave me a safe space to let some of my feelings out, but now they are surfacing again. It will be here birthday in 2 weeks. All anniversaries are hard.
Does anyone else still feel like this after this time. Grief is so hard.


Hello @Angel85,

Thank you for reaching out. I just want to reassure you that you are not alone - there is no timeline for grief. Anniversaries can be especially hard, no matter how long ago the person that we loved died.

I’m just giving your thread a bump - I’m sure someone will be along to share their thoughts.