Anger and envy

Your wife had no chance, nor did mine thanks to a massive mis-diagnosis by our GP who did consultations only over the phone due to " Pandemic Rules".
Pissed Off does not even come close.


Hi , I’m also p… off . My hubby was fit and well in march 2021 . Only a sore throat . After diagnose of cancer of throat . And chemo and radiation treatment . What left him in a terrible state . He died in sept 2021 . Cancer had spread through out his body . Bones . Liver . Other places . Why do they not keep a check on if cancer is spreading while having treatment . He finished his treatment end may . Didn’t get a scan till end of august even though he told them how he was feeling ."But professional know best " . Whith in two weeks of his results he died . Surely this can’t be right . Now I am left with the heartbreak of exsisting in this life without him . Thinking of you all xtake carex


Hello Goldfinch…

I feel the same.
My husband died very suddenly a year ago of a heart attack.
He was in hospital a few months before with back pain, and sent home with no tests on anywhere else but his back. Why didn’t they look at the ‘whole person’ instead of just dealing with the one thing? He was in a hospital for goodness sake! He was ill during that last horrendous winter Lockdown and nobody was listening to him. To say I am angry is an understatement.
So I totally understand how you feel…

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Hi Broken 2222
My husband was fit and well when diagnosed with pancreatic cancer locally advanced ( stage 3,) He had no pain and the tumour was only 1cm.
Chemo and radiotherapy refuced him to a skeleton within 12 months. The tumour never grew any bigger but they performed a nano knife operation and I am certain used him as a guenia pig because the operation had only been performed rarely in britain. I asked if we had a better chance leaving the tumour, but they told us if it spread the operation would not be possible so answers were not forthcoming.He died 4months later.,not from the cancer but from the effects of the operation. He was 8 stone in weight and developed sepsis which he could not fight. He was gaining weight just before the op because the chemo had stopped and he had a 65th birthday party where he was dancing. He was eating again and felt well…
His tumour never increased in size. I often wonder if he would still be alive if we had not consented to that op. I will never trust the NHS again.


Hi. So sorry for your loss and how you feel . I do get it . We put our trust in NHS . But I feel like they failed . Husband also ended up in hospital while having his treatment with sepsis . In the may . He had gone for chemo but they said he couldn’t have it . Because of a problem . He started to feel unwell on evening . So I phoned Macmillan nurse as I was told to . But she kept saying he felt unwell because he had had his chemo that day . I tried to explain he hadn’t got it that day . I’m sorry to say I ended up shouting at her on phone . But was told to take him to A&E . He was in hospital for a week . Luckily he pulled through with that . I also think the covid jab might have had something to do with how his cancer spread or the treatment not working . But I’m no expert just my thoughts . Now I’m left to exsist without him . In a life I don’t want and don’t know what to do . One thing I do know I will never go to DR again or have any routine check ups . Sorry but I don’t trust any of them . Thinking of you xtake carex

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I too have decided I will not have chemo myself if ever needed. I would rather die quicker than have the misreable existance it gave my husband.
I have never been well since he passed in 2018. I have seen so many doctors and specialists and they just say I have silent reflux although I am heaving every day with the horrid feeling in my throat. I am exhausted and can’t taste any food but all I get is another six month wait to see someone. I really don’t care anymore. I have lost the person who I loved with my heart and soul and life has no meaning anymore. I am not afraid to die. All I want is my soulmate to be with me again. The NHS let me down and betrayed my husband. People praise them but the good ones are in the minority.
I am sorry for your loss too and I understand your anger totally. Xx


Hi so sorry you are having to deal with being ill . As well as everything else . We so need our partners at times like this . I feel the same about dying . It scares me more thinking I might have a long lonely life without husband . I have just gone 60. But feel a lot older now . Hope you manage to get some answers when you finally get some appointments . And hope you start to feel a bit better . It’s hard enough grieving and trying to exsist without any other issues . Sending a hug xtake carex

Broken 2222
Thank you for your thoughts and I hope you too find some kind of peace in these horrible dark days.
Sending you my love and hugs


I too have decided i will not take any treatment if diagnosed with a serious illness, watching your wife/husband go through the pain and suffering and still not recover is just too much, Also regarding checking other areas for Cancer, we were told in the September of 2020 that the cancer had shrunk, then in October it had gone to her brain, how the F**K can they miss that?