Angry...for what reason...

I have always been one of the first to tell anyone, same as my late father also often would have said to me…" everything happens for a reason…" and i still believe in this but…" but try as i might, for the life of me I cant understand the for " what reason…" did my 67 year healthy or he was until we made our move from the S/E to the S/W due to my PP-MS diagnoses at age 64, four years ago…So i ask myself, " what reason was i suddenly given this debilitating PP-MS illness and for " what reason did a 71 year man, my partner of 20 years, suddenly became ill and die unexpectedly…I am struggling with understanding our Gods reasoning of why do these happen to us when one minute we are healthy, then the next we are not, or one of us is taken from this earth, and the other is left all by themselves…


Sorry i typed Richards age incorrectly, he was healthy up until three years ago, back when we lived back home, our happy forever home, or so we both believed, this was until i got diagnosed with MS at the late age of 64, i am now 68…Richards health problems only started once we moved some 150 miles away, then six months ago, i found him dead in his armchair after returning for a brief few hours before going to collect our-his dog from our pet-groomer…

I still omitted Richards age, we moved here three years ago, he was age 71 at the time, and had no health issues…