

I seem to be struggling at the moment, I’ve turned to this forum before for help when I’m struggling so here I am.

Before my husband died from Cancer he said “You won’t blame me for going will you?” I responded “No, you don’t want to go, i don’t want you to go it’s just the way it is”.

For some reason I keep going over this conversation, I don’t really understand what he meant?

I have felt angry lately that I’ve been left alone & miss him & seem to be really feeling the loneliness lately.

Any thoughts?

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Hello my friend,

I think possibly your husband had heard stories about those left behind feeling angry at their loved one for leaving them. My sister in law, for example, went through huge anger when her husband, my brother, died. I don’t think you are angry with him, from what you shared. Rather you are angry about being alone with the future you planned snatched away. It is so hard to see others enjoying themselves in partnerships that we once had. Keep talking to him, tell him how you feel. Hold tight, we are with you on here.

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Thank you for taking the time to reply too me I appreciate that, I never realised how difficult emotions could be, I think his birthday approaching seems to be bringing things up again, it’s all so difficult.

I was always the strong one he wouldn’t recognise me now, I sometimes wonder how he would have coped if the situation was reversed, luckily he was spared.

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