
Lost my partner of 41 years on December 1 2021, only 11 days since he passed suddenly. I am totally overwhelmed and so afraid of now and the future. I know it is early days .


Hi Anne,sorry for your loss,I know the pain of grief my husband passed away 11 weeks ago,it’s a never ending heartache
We were married nearly 52yrs I know its frightening being left on our own makes me feel very vulnerable,lonely
People on here know what you are going through it’s a place you can express all your thoughts and worries we try to help each other

Look after yourself chat on here whenever you need

Christine x

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Oh I’m so sorry for your very recent loss Anne, it’s an incredible shock losing a life long partner.

It will take some time to navigate this new life you have found yourself in, we all understand how hard it is and none of us want to be in this place we find ourselves in now.

I found that I couldn’t look too far towards the future, many people say this but I have found it has helped me, that is just taking one day at a time, getting through one day (and night) and then the next.

Cutting the future down into little spaces of time rather than thinking of it being an overwhelming big future! I don’t mean to simplify it, but just taking one step at a time is the best way forward for me. I hope it helps you too.

Keep talking & putting your feelings down.
We all understand, we really do.
Janey xx


Hi Anne,

I’m so sorry to hear about your husband

My partner passed away on the 27th of November, she was 33 and knocked down by a speeding car whilst crossing the road. Life is cruel and I’m still in shock.

This site is helpful as I found out I wasnt alone, no one can offer much help other than let you know we can relate to how you feel. The best advice I’ve had is as Janey said to take each day as it comes and try not to look to far ahead although that it much easier said than done. At the moment I’ve had bad days and worse days but it has only been 2 weeks.

Please try and look after yourself the best that you can and post/read on here.

Take care, Bryan.


So sorry ann on the loss of your husband lost my husband 11november 2020 it’s so hard I cry everyday but not all day like I did at the beginning we were. Married 44years take care of yourself hugs annie

Thank you for all your support and advice and the knowledge that I’m not alone in being alone , but god it is so hard isn’t it ! My heart goes out to all of you who are struggling as I am to come to terms with losing a life partner. Today is new years eve and I will be alone for the first time in 40 years as many of you are as well. I sincerely hope the new year will be kind to us x

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It’s so hard but I’m sure we can do it iLife. Will never be the same lv annie x