
Oh dear. Yesterday was our 34th wedding anniversary. I went to see andy. We had a one sided chat about everytinh that’s going on here. I shed quite a few tears. I feel so alone. Having to make decisions big and small on my own. My friend has now left my house to move into his own house. So it’s all change for me. Im finding it so hard. I bloody miss him so much, it’s the hugs and kisses, and his bloody mindedness, as well as the bad things. Once again the empti ness is here. To top it all i lost my purse. I think my bag was dipped. Bastards.


Hi Camille, sorry your having such a hard time at the moment. The house will take readjusting now your friend as moved out, and on top of that having your purse stolen. Life is just not fair sometimes.
Anniversaries are not easy, it’s my 45th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow so I know how you feel. I honour the day by writing him a card, will light a candle, probably walk to the park where I have a memorial bench for him. His ashes are scattered in the sea so I have no grave to visit.
We can only do the best we can and just carry on for our loved ones.
Debbie x


Thank you for that and lots of love for tomorrow


It will be our 25th wedding anniversary on 25th april i really thought we would have made it to that one, jim being that bit older then me i knew we wouldn’t make 50th but we had so many plans for our silver i feel so sad that none of them will ever come true now. Sorry some scumbag stole your purse hope you have cancelled any cards you had in it. Feeling so sad as anniversary gets nearer :disappointed_relieved:


Thinking of you Debbie on your 45th anniversary tomorrow xx


Its my brothers birthday on the 25th. Good luck with the 35th anniversary. Its never easy.

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Thks its my 25th

Doug was older than me, we it made to our ruby anniversary, we always thought we would make it to our golden. Wasn’t to be.
Thinking of you on your 25th anniversary, so sad when our future plans are taken away from us.


It was my husband 67 birthday 13/04/23
We made so many plans he was retiring l was going part time.
He died suddenly from a heart attack in June ;. I must admit l wanted to be on my own on his birthday and l went to our favourite park and wept buckets.
I am dreading his death date in June xx